Sunday, October 22, 2006

Crusts and Spam

My youngest son has an aversion to crusts. He won't eat the crust on bread or toast. Lots of kids don't; they'll ask a parent to trim off the crusts. My youngest son, however, has taken this dislike of crusts to a bizzare extreme. The other day I made some pizza bagels. Cut a bagel in half, spread pizza sauce on it, smother in cheese and then bake. Below is a picture of my son's plate after he had finished eating.

So just how does one determine what the "crust" is on a bagel half? Isn't it all crust?

On a different topic, have you ever received that nonsense spam? When you open it up there is some weird and strange message/story in there? Incomplete sentences and general linguistic oddities? Normally, folks would just trash that kind of stuff. Well, someone has decided to take those spam messages and turn them into works of art. Check out "Spamland#1" on YouTube. This is the best use of spam that I have ever seen.

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's Not Fair

Today's been a hard day for me. I learned that Jon David [5-year-old] passed away this morning. He had been diagnosed and was battling the same type of cancer that my Luke had fought. Jon's mom had sent me an old laptop of hers a couple of months back. She'd read my post about how difficult it is for Luke to write and how it was thought that a laptop would really help him in his school work. Without hesitation, she sent me hers. I carry it to and from school every day. I set it up in the classroom. Today, I was thankful that there weren't too many people around because I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as I packed it up to take it home. It's not fair. No child, no family, should ever have to go through this. I try and find comfort in picturing Jon in his Superman pajamas and Diego in his Spiderman pajamas playing together with laughter in the eternal light. But then my heart aches for the families left behind. It's not fair.